Erik Bachmann

Margrethe Catherine Caroline FürsenAge: 88 years17561845

Margrethe Catherine Caroline Fürsen
Birth September 22, 175609:01:03 39 23
Quality of data: 0
MarriageJonas HansenView this family
177412:49:27 (Age 17 years)

Quality of data: 0
Death of a fatherJoachim Fürsen
177809:04:03 (Age 21 years)

Quality of data: 0
Death of a husbandJonas Hansen
178709:04:03 (Age 30 years)

Quality of data: 0
MarriageHans BachmannView this family
September 12, 178812:49:18 (Age 31 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a son
? Bachmann
about 179209:01:08 (Age 35 years)

Quality of data: 0
Birth of a daughter
Juliane Hansdatter Bachmann
about 180409:01:03 (Age 47 years)

Quality of data: 0
Death of a motherMagdalena Benedicta Fridrica Drejer
182109:04:03 (Age 64 years)

Quality of data: 0
Marriage of a childJohan Nicolai Fürsen-BachmannJuliane Hansdatter BachmannView this family
182412:49:24 (Age 67 years)

Quality of data: 0
Death of a husbandHans Bachmann
November 22, 184109:07:06 (Age 85 years)
Quality of data: 0
Death July 20, 184509:01:03 (Age 88 years)
Quality of data: 0
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Jonas Hansen - View this family
Marriage: 1774
Family with Hans Bachmann - View this family
Hans Bachmann
Birth: October 18, 1752 37 27"Vellinggard", Smidstrup Sogn, Holmans Herred, Vejle Amt, Danmark
Death: November 22, 1841Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland
Marriage: September 12, 1788Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland
4 years
13 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Margrethe Catherine Caroline Fürsen, daughter of Joachim Fürsen and Magdalena Benedicta Fridrica Drejer, was born on September 22, 1756 in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland and died on July 20, 1845 in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland at the age of 88 years. She married 2 times. The first time she married Jonas Hansen in 1774. He was born in 1742 and died in 1787 at the age of 45 years. The second time she married Hans Bachmann, son of Peder Hansen Bachmann and Kirstine Marie Benedichte Kruse, on September 12, 1788 in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland. He was born on October 18, 1752 in "Vellinggard", Smidstrup Sogn, Holmans Herred, Vejle Amt and died on November 22, 1841 in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland at the age of 89 years.

      Children of Margrethe Catherine Caroline Fürsen and Hans Bachmann:

      1. ? Bachmann (1792)
      2. Juliane Hansdatter Bachmann (1804)
  2. Generation 2
    1. Juliane Hansdatter Bachmann, daughter of Hans Bachmann and Margrethe Catherine Caroline Fürsen, was born about 1804 and died in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland. She married Johan Nicolai Fürsen-Bachmann in 1824. He was born in 1798 and died in 1894 in Slesvig, Sydslesvig, Tyskland at the age of 96 years.