Esther WendlandAge: 84 years1912–1996
- Name
- Esther Wendland
Birth | July 31, 1912 – 09:09:07 40 35 Quality of data: 0 |
Death of a father | Ernest Wendland August 18, 1959 – 09:03:00 (Age 47 years) Quality of data: 0 |
Death of a mother | Wilhelmina Schultz May 15, 1965 – 09:03:00 (Age 52 years) Quality of data: 0 |
Death | August 1996 – 09:09:07 (Age 84 years) Quality of data: 0 |
Family with parents |
father |
Ernest Wendland Birth: December 9, 1871 27 29 — Posen, Tyskland Death: August 18, 1959 |
mother |
Wilhelmina Schultz Birth: December 14, 1876 — Lawton, Iowa, USA Death: May 15, 1965 |
herself |
Esther Wendland Birth: July 31, 1912 40 35 Death: August 1996 |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
brother | |
sister | |
sister | |
sister |
- Generation 1
Esther Wendland, daughter of Ernest Wendland and Wilhelmina Schultz, was born on July 31, 1912 and died in August 1996 at the age of 84 years. She married John Delbert Christenson, son of John A. Christenson and Clara Lucie Esther Nelson.