Myra ChristensonAge: 7 years1905–1912
- Name
- Myra Christenson
Birth | 1905 – 09:09:05 23 21 Quality of data: 0 |
Birth of a brother | John Delbert Christenson October 13, 1909 – 09:09:05 (Age 4 years) Quality of data: 0 |
Death | April 20, 1912 – 09:09:05 (Age 7 years) Quality of data: 0 |
Family with parents |
father |
John A. Christenson Birth: June 19, 1881 — Prairieville Township, Brown County, MN, USA Death: June 4, 1966 — Storden, Minnesota, USA |
mother |
Clara Lucie Esther Nelson Birth: February 17, 1883 30 28 — Westbrook Township, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA Death: April 15, 1978 — Storden, Minnesota, USA |
Marriage: March 16, 1903 — Amo Township, Minnesota, USA |
3 years herself |
Myra Christenson Birth: 1905 23 21 — Storden, Minnesota, USA Death: April 20, 1912 — Storden, Minnesota, USA |
5 years younger brother |
John Delbert Christenson Birth: October 13, 1909 28 26 Death: February 10, 1979 — Storden, Minnesota, USA |
5 years younger sister |
Evelyn Pearl Christenson Birth: March 7, 1915 33 32 |
3 years younger brother |
Stanley Frederick Christenson Birth: November 5, 1917 36 34 — Storden, Minnesota, USA |
- Generation 1
Myra Christenson, daughter of John A. Christenson and Clara Lucie Esther Nelson, was born in 1905 in Storden, Minnesota, USA and died on April 20, 1912 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 7 years.