Erik Bachmann

Ane Magrette “Greta” ThomsenAge: 81 years18541936

Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen
Given names
Ane Magrette
Birth September 14, 185409:08:06
Quality of data: 0
MarriageJens NielsenView this family
October 26, 187819:59:49 (Age 24 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a son
Andrew Peter Nelson
July 25, 187909:08:07 (Age 24 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a daughter
Clara Lucie Esther Nelson
February 17, 188309:08:00 (Age 28 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a daughter
Dena Catrine Nelson
November 14, 188609:08:00 (Age 32 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a daughter
Mary Christine Nelson
January 1, 189509:08:00 (Age 40 years)
Quality of data: 0
Birth of a son
John Elmer Nelson
June 27, 189709:08:01 (Age 42 years)
Quality of data: 0
Marriage of a childAndrew Peter NelsonLaura Irene PetersenView this family
October 6, 190212:49:19 (Age 48 years)
Quality of data: 0
Marriage of a childJohn A. ChristensonClara Lucie Esther NelsonView this family
March 16, 190312:49:18 (Age 48 years)
Quality of data: 0
Death January 26, 193609:08:06 (Age 81 years)
Quality of data: 0
Family with parents - View this family
Family with Jens Nielsen - View this family
Marriage: October 26, 1878Racine, Wisconsin, USA
9 months
4 years
4 years
Dena Catrine Nelson
Birth: November 14, 1886 34 32Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA
Death: June 24, 1965Windom, Minnesota, USA
8 years
Mary Christine Nelson
Birth: January 1, 1895 42 40Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA
Death: 1990Near Storden, Minnesota, USA
3 years
John Elmer Nelson
Birth: June 27, 1897 45 42Storden, Minnesota, USA
Death: May 21, 1989Mesa, Arizona, USA
Jens Nielsen + Petrine Anthonsen - View this family
husband’s wife

  1. Generation 1
    1. Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, daughter of Thomas Christian Jespersen and Cathrine Madsdatter, was born on September 14, 1854 in Orso, Dronninglund Sogn, Dronninglund Herred, Hjørring Amt and died on January 26, 1936 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 81 years. She married Jens Nielsen, son of Niels Hansen and Anne Lucie Jensdatter, on October 26, 1878 in Racine, Wisconsin, USA. He was born on March 16, 1852 in Måreskov, Herrested Sogn, Vindinge Herred, Svendborg Amt and died on December 5, 1948 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 96 years.

      Children of Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen and Jens Nielsen:

      1. Andrew Peter Nelson (18791981)
      2. Clara Lucie Esther Nelson (18831978)
      3. Dena Catrine Nelson (18861965)
      4. Mary Christine Nelson (18951990)
      5. John Elmer Nelson (18971989)
  2. Generation 2
    1. Andrew Peter Nelson, son of Jens Nielsen and Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, was born on July 25, 1879 in Westbrook Township, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA and died on January 9, 1981 in Hoquiam, Grays Harbor County, Washington, USA at the age of 101 years. He married 2 times. The first time he married Laura Irene Petersen on October 6, 1902 in Storden, Minnesota, USA. She was born on May 22, 1883 in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA and died on January 9, 1912 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 28 years. The second time he married Anna Marie Olson.

      Children of Andrew Peter Nelson and Laura Irene Petersen:

      1. LaVerne (Hy) Ivan Nelson (19031992)
      2. Chester Alvin Nelson (19051987)
      3. Lanpher Wyman Nelson (19081976)
      4. Vernietta Irene Nelson (1911)
    2. Clara Lucie Esther Nelson, daughter of Jens Nielsen and Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, was born on February 17, 1883 in Westbrook Township, Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA and died on April 15, 1978 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 95 years. She married John A. Christenson, son of Fred Christenson, on March 16, 1903 in Amo Township, Minnesota, USA. He was born on June 19, 1881 in Prairieville Township, Brown County, MN, USA and died on June 4, 1966 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 84 years.

      Children of Clara Lucie Esther Nelson and John A. Christenson:

      1. Myra Christenson (19051912)
      2. John Delbert Christenson (19091979)
      3. Evelyn Pearl Christenson (1915)
      4. Stanley Frederick Christenson (1917)
    3. Dena Catrine Nelson, daughter of Jens Nielsen and Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, was born on November 14, 1886 in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA and died on June 24, 1965 in Windom, Minnesota, USA at the age of 78 years. She married 2 times. The first time she married Christopher Moede. The second time she married Earl Dean on March 2, 1945 in Windom, Minnesota, USA. He was born on September 16, 1882 in Rudd, Iowa, USA and died on December 23, 1963 in Windom, Minnesota, USA at the age of 81 years.

    4. Mary Christine Nelson, daughter of Jens Nielsen and Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, was born on January 1, 1895 in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, USA and died in 1990 in Near Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 95 years. She married Aage Larsen.

    5. John Elmer Nelson, son of Jens Nielsen and Ane Magrette “Greta” Thomsen, was born on June 27, 1897 in Storden, Minnesota, USA and died on May 21, 1989 in Mesa, Arizona, USA at the age of 91 years. He married Lillian Agnes Sutherland.

  3. Generation 3
    1. LaVerne (Hy) Ivan Nelson, son of Andrew Peter Nelson and Laura Irene Petersen, was born on August 24, 1903 in Copenhagen, Storden Twp, Cottonwood Co., Minnesota, USA and died on April 25, 1992 in Hoquiam, Grays Harbor County, Washington, USA at the age of 88 years. He married Connie Evans.

    2. Chester Alvin Nelson, son of Andrew Peter Nelson and Laura Irene Petersen, was born on July 20, 1905 in Westbrook, Minnesota, USA and died on February 24, 1987 in Shelton, WA, USA at the age of 81 years. He married Pauline Koski.

    3. Lanpher Wyman Nelson, son of Andrew Peter Nelson and Laura Irene Petersen, was born on March 8, 1908 in Minnesota, USA and died on June 6, 1976 in Olympia, WN, USA at the age of 68 years. He married Helen Thompsen on May 7, 1933 in Aberdeen, Wa, USA. She was born on February 13, 1906 and died on December 5, 1986 in Aberdeen, Washington, USA at the age of 80 years.

    4. Vernietta Irene Nelson, daughter of Andrew Peter Nelson and Laura Irene Petersen, was born on December 15, 1911 in Storden, Minnesota, USA. She married Raymond Ross Frewing.

    5. John Delbert Christenson, son of John A. Christenson and Clara Lucie Esther Nelson, was born on October 13, 1909 and died on February 10, 1979 in Storden, Minnesota, USA at the age of 69 years. He married Esther Wendland, daughter of Ernest Wendland and Wilhelmina Schultz.

    6. Evelyn Pearl Christenson, daughter of John A. Christenson and Clara Lucie Esther Nelson, was born on March 7, 1915. She married Arlow Carey.

    7. Stanley Frederick Christenson, son of John A. Christenson and Clara Lucie Esther Nelson, was born on November 5, 1917 in Storden, Minnesota, USA.