Erik Bachmann

Samuel Nicolai ClaudiusAge: 51 years17191771

Samuel Nicolai Claudius
Birth April 17, 171909:07:03

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Birth of a son
Peder Bachmann Claudius
175309:01:01 (Age 33 years)
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MarriageChristine Margrethe BachmannView this family
175612:49:18 (Age 36 years)

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Death of a wifeChristine Margrethe Bachmann
August 7, 175609:07:59 (Age 37 years)
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Death 177109:07:04 (Age 51 years)

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Family with Christine Margrethe Bachmann - View this family
Christine Margrethe Bachmann
Birth: June 15, 1719 45 32Fovslet (Kgl.Hovedgård), Ødis Sogn, Ødis Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt, Danmark
Death: August 7, 1756"Sønderskov", Folding Sogn, Malt Herred, Ribe Amt, Danmark
Marriage: 1756
-2 years

  1. Generation 1
    1. Samuel Nicolai Claudius was born on April 17, 1719 and died in 1771 at the age of 51 years. He married Christine Margrethe Bachmann, daughter of Hans Nielsen Bachmann and Kristine Margrethe Clausen, in 1756. She was born on June 15, 1719 in Fovslet (Kgl.Hovedgård), Ødis Sogn, Ødis Sogn, Nørre Tyrstrup Herred, Vejle Amt and died on August 7, 1756 in "Sønderskov", Folding Sogn, Malt Herred, Ribe Amt at the age of 37 years.

      Children of Samuel Nicolai Claudius and Christine Margrethe Bachmann:

      1. Peder Bachmann Claudius (1753)